I was made to learn, teach, and serve

I am a Veteran, a Mom, and an Entrepreneur.  

I spent the first decades of my professional life as a combat pilot and supporting various federal agencies.

I’ve served in just about every type of managerial role.

I’ve supported manufacturing from experimentation to production, enterprise architecture and knowledge management at the federal level, rescue missions, and crisis response.

In each new organization I followed the same steps:

  1. Dig deep to learn the people and and the operation
  2. Listen for and observe pain points
  3. Simplify process to eliminate clutter and chaos

The root cause was almost always the same.

Process had become cumbersome, adding complexity, confusion and work.

Process should make things easier

I constantly wondered how small businesses had a chance when institutions with massive resources were getting it wrong.

I started my business to help yours succeed.

I truly enjoy finding ways to streamline processes and empowering change. 

I love what I do because it lets me share what I’ve learned with the entrepreneurs who need it most, without compromising my priorities.

My mission

Deliver high-value consulting, training, services, and a supportive community to innovative entrepreneurs with similar values.